Spill Prevention, Containment, and Reporting
A spill is a release of oil or chemical to the environment, including but not limited to floors, containment dikes, sidewalks, roads, ground surfaces, basements, floor drains, storm drains, and streams. Generally, all spills over 25 gallons must be reported to appropriate agencies. A spill of any amount is also reportable if it causes a sheen upon or discolors a surface water body or enters a storm drain or floor drain.
Contractors must provide spill prevention control. Oil storage tanks brought onto Catholic University property must have secondary containment, such as earthen berms, metal pans, and cinder blocks. Submit details on the tank, its content, secondary containment features, and spill response plans to the University and maintain the information during the entire period that tanks are present at the facility.
If an oil or chemical spill occurs:
- Extinguish ignition sources and isolate incompatible or reactive substances.
- Attempt to stop or contain the spill at the source without endangering yourself and others. Prevent discharge of materials to environmental receptors, including drains, sumps, soil, etc. by isolating them.
- Collect, store, and dispose of waste materials in compliance with EPA and District of Columbia regulations.
- For spills/releases greater than 25 gallons or which enter into drains/streams, immediately contact Public Safety at 202-319-5111 and the University Project Manager.
REFERENCES: 40 CFR Part 112; 2013 DCMR 12H Fire Code (2012 IFC w/2013 Supplement) Chapter 50 |