The Academic Safety Committee (ASC) consists of faculty and staff from The Catholic University of America community and represents a diversity of functions, specialties and departments.

 Meetings are held twice a year; once each academic semester. Representation is required from the Departments of Biology, Chemistry, Physics/VSL, Facilities Planning and Management and the Schools of Engineering, Architecture and Music, Drama & Art. Other departments may be called to participate as needed.

 The Senior Director of Environmental Health & Safety/Risk Management serves as an ex-officio member. Officers include the ASC Chair and Secretary. Appointments are made by the Provost based upon recommendations from the ASC Chair, Senior Director-Environmental Health & Safety/Risk Management and Associate Vice President-Facilities Planning and Management.

 The purpose of the ASC is to:

  • Increase academic safety and health awareness on campus.
  • Recommend policy to the University administration that ensures the performance of safe and environmentally prudent work and study in laboratories and other academic settings.
  • Collaboratively provide support and advice on matters relating to academic safety.
  • Advise the Associate Vice President-Facilities Planning and Management on safety budget-related issues.
  • Conduct annual laboratory facility safety inspections.
  • Consult and support the Environmental Health & Safety/Risk Management department with respect to laboratory safety inquiries and laboratory accident reports.
  • Develop and implement procedures for approving high risk operations and experiments.