Only persons, projects, and facilities approved by the Radiation Safety Officer are authorized to use radioactive material or sources of ionizing or non-ionizing radiation. The exception to this is consumer products, such as microwave ovens, which are purchased to be used in a manner that a consumer would use them. Individuals interested in using radioactive material or radiation sources must contact the Radiation Safety Officer at x5206 prior to purchase.

Dictates for use of radioactive material and ionizing radiation sources are contained in the Radiation Safety Manual. Uses in undergraduate and graduate teaching laboratories must be under the direct supervision of an individual approved by the Radiation Safety Officer.

Individuals authorized to use sources of radiation are to receive specific training from their supervisor or the Radiation Safety Officer.

Project managers, who intend to contract with outside firms or individuals to do work on campus that involves radioactive materials or sources, must have their projects reviewed by the Radiation Safety Officer.