This program is designed to provide procedures for managing Hot Work activities with appropriate fire prevention and protection and in compliance with CFR 1910.252, ICC Fire Code Chapter 35, OSHA 1910.252(a)(1)(iii), University EHS Safety Manuals Chapter 13, 15, 18, and NFPA 51b.
This program applies to all employees who are authorized to conduct Hot Work operations. It includes, but is not limited to: brazing, cutting, grinding, soldering, thawing pipe, torch-applied roofing and welding.
Fire Safety Officer
Obtain and maintain annual campus wide hot work permit from DC
Develop safe usage protocols that comply with local Fire Codes, CFRs, established EHS Manuals, etc. for all heat, flame and spark-producing equipment
Identify proper personal protective equipment (PPE) needed for Hot Work procedures
Provide appropriate training to all students, staff, and faculty that perform or authorize Hot Work activities
Retain records of training
Provide outside contractors working on premises with information on the Hot Work Program procedures and verify current company training in Hot Work procedures
Establish designated Hot Work areas
Review program at least annually, and when changes are needed or new equipment is added
Supervisors (Hot Work Approver)
Ensure employees comply with all procedures described in this program
Ensure that only qualified and trained authorized employees perform Hot Works in Designated Hot Work Areas
Ensure employees keep accurate logs of Hot Work activities in Designated Hot Work Areas
Determine if Hot Works can be completed in a non-designated Hot Work area on a case-by-case basis
Ensure University-generated Hot Work permits are submitted prior to Hot Work activities in non-designated areas
Provide information to the Fire Safety Officer regarding needed improvements to this program
Facilities Service Desk
Retain records of University-generated hot work permits
Employee Performing Hot Work Activities
Complete all required Hot Work training
Seek approval from supervisor and complete the appropriate Hot Work Permit prior to beginning operations in a non-Designated Hot Work Area
Complete Hot Work Log Book (Appendix C) prior to beginning each instance of recurring hot work activities in Designated Hot Work areas
Retain control of equipment while hot work is in progress
Fire Watch Personnel
Maintain continuous watch over hot work activity during and for 30 minutes after work has been completed
Monitor adjacent areas for fires
Extinguish small, controllable fires with extinguishing equipment available in hot work area
Activate fire alarm if an uncontrollable fire occurs
Have a supervisor find another trained person to relieve him/her if the designated individual must leave for any reason
Conduct final inspections after a fire watch period has concluded
Prior to the start of Hot Work the following must be checked and documented:
- Hot works training must be completed by all parties involved: employee performing Hot Work, Fire Watcher, and Supervisor;
- Assigned Fire Watcher present for duration of Hot Work and 30 minutes after completion;
- Warning sign posted outside of Hot Work operational area;
- Adequate local exhaust ventilation is installed or a portable fume extractor is in place if needed;
- No flammables or unpurged tanks in the job area;
- Combustibles 35 feet away or covered;
- Any floor and wall openings within 35 feet covered;
- Sprinkler system clear and free of obstruction, if applicable;
- Fire alarm pull station clear and free of obstruction;
- Fire extinguisher in the area;
- Unobstructed egress; and
- Hot Work equipment in good working condition
A Designated Area Multiple-Use Hot Work Permit must be completed for each new project.
Every time work is done on a project, a new permit is not required. However, basic precautions in section one of the Hot Works Log Book must be met and documented every time work is done on a project.
A warning sign must be posted in a highly visible place outside of all Hot Work Area for the duration of the Hot Work and 30 minutes after completion.
While the Hot Work proceeds, the Fire Watch must maintains a constant vigil for stray sparks, ignition or other fire hazards, and be ready to provide initial fire response.
Once the Hot Work is complete, the Fire Watch conducts a careful inspection of the work area and adjacent areas for smoldering fires.
When the 30 minute monitoring period is ended, the Fire Watch conducts a final inspection of the area and signs the Hot Work Log Book.
Designated Area Multiple-Use Hot Work Permits may be kept in the Hot Work Log Book or submitted to the Facilities Service Desk for maintenance.
If Hot Work activities are completed before 8am or after 6pm, DPS must be notified at the beginning and end of Hot Work activities.
Basic precautions must be met per the Single Use Hot Work Permit prior to the start of hot work activities.
A Supervisor will communicate any additional special precautions that need to be taken prior to beginning operations, assign a Fire Watch, and sign the Single Use Hot Work Permit.
A warning sign must be posted in a highly visible place outside of all Hot Work areas for the duration of Hot Work and 30 minutes after completion.
While the Hot Work proceeds, the Fire Watch maintains a constant vigil for stray sparks, ignition or other fire hazards, and is ready to provide initial fire response.
Once the work is complete, the Fire Watch conducts a careful inspection of the work area and adjacent areas for smoldering fires.
When the 30 minute monitoring period is ended, the Fire Watch conducts a final inspection of the area and signs the University-generated permit.
The permit is delivered to and retained by the Facilities Service Desk
If Hot Work activities are completed before 8 am or after 6 pm, DPS must be notified at the beginning and end of Hot Work activities.
Outside contractors will be informed of the Hot Work program and procedures. All outside personnel are required to complete a Hot Work permit for every Hot Work project.
The following PPE must be worn when completing Hot Work:
Eye and face protection
Helmet with filter lens and cover plate
Safety glasses with side shield under helmet
Hand Protection
Dry, hole-free, insulated and flame-resistant gloves
Body Protection
Oil-free protective clothing made of wool or heavy cotton
Clothing should allow for freedom of movement and should prevent skin exposure
Before supervisors may approve any Hot Work operations and before employees are allowed to perform any Hot Work operations, they must first receive training. Periodic retraining will occur if an employee has a lack of knowledge, uses equipment improperly or if work tasks change. The training will include the following subjects:
Fire prevention and protection
Basic precautions
Special precautions
Employee classifications and responsibilities
Supervisors/Hot work approver
Authorized personnel
Fire watch personnel
Designated Hot Work areas and procedures
Non-designated Hot Work procedures
Hot Work permit system
Handling and storage of Hot Work materials
PPE selection and use